Welcome to "Hog Heaven"

Welcome to our 'blog site' for Hog Heaven Ranch. From here you'll be able to view the latest postings of photos and read any new news from us on the ranch.

The Animals at Hog Heaven

This is a slideshow showing all the animals that visit the ranch. Form time to time, I'll be adding more slides.

Friday, May 23, 2008

As Things Change

As you can see from the last time you visited, I've been messing around trying to make the blog a little more pleasing to the eye. I've made the "Animal" slideshow a permanent fixture, rather than a 'blog posting' so that it can always be at the top part of the page. That way, you won't have to scroll down through all the postings to find it. Of course, you could click on the "Archive" sidebar and locate it there, but I just wanna make it easy for you.

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